Analysis of Check All That Apply (CATA) and Rate All That Apply (RATA) – 28 June 2023 @ 14:00 (GMT+1/BST)
Product code: R-CATA-RATA June 2023

Remote training

June 28, 2023 - June 28, 2023
The remote learning package consists of a live lecture delivered online by one of the Qi Statistics team, together with a workshop for you to complete in your own time (solutions and data sets provided), plus a pdf of the lecture notes and email support whilst you are completing the workshop after the course for up to 2 weeks.
This module focuses on the statistical techniques for examining and summarising the relationships between attributes, using CATA and RATA data.
The course content is as follows:
- Reasons for popularity of these techniques
- Design of questionnaire, number of respondents required
- Testing for difference using traditional non parametric methods (Cochran’s Q test)
- Can we use ANOVA instead?
- Visualisation of product differences using Correspondence Analysis and PCA
- Development of Rate All that Apply
- Testing for differences using ANOVA
- Mapping using PCA
Exercises with solutions and interpretation will be provided iIllustrated with emotion and sensory examples using XLSTAT CATA routine, ANOVA and PCA .
To be able to perform the exercises you will need a full demo-version of XLSTAT (or licensed copy of XLSTAT Basic + Sensory module (for CATA routine)).
Length of Session:
Approx 1hr + workshop (+ own time for doing the exercises) – please check the timing of the session in your local area – it is being offered on two consecutive days to work around time zone issues
Course Pre-Requisites:
A basic understanding of statistics is assumed i.e. knowledge of statistical terminology and summary measures such as mean, variance, standard deviations, plus awareness of ANOVA and PCA techniques
XLSTAT will be used for teaching purposes, but it is not a pre-requisite to know XLSTAT to gain value from the course.
Select currency
$341.33 – $379.26 (Excluding any applicable taxes)