Conjoint Analysis using XLSTAT – 9 June 2022 @ 15:00 (GMT+1/BST)
Product code: R-Conjoint USA

Remote training

June 9, 2022 - June 9, 2022
The remote learning package consists of a live lecture delivered online by one of the Qi Statistics team, together with a workshop for you to complete in your own time (solutions and data sets provided), plus a pdf of the lecture notes and email support whilst you are completing the workshop after the course for up to 2 weeks.
This module focuses on the statistical techniques for designing and analysing conjoint studies for both rating and choice based experiments.
The course content is as follows:
- Application areas – labelling, packaging, product concepts
- Motivation
- Design of study – number of factors, number of levels, number of consumers
- Data collection – monadic scoring/ pairwise choice sets
- Modelling and interpretation of output – monadic scoring: ANOVA– utilities, % importance
- Modelling and interpretation of output – Choice sets: conditional logistic regression, utilities, conversion to predicted probabilities.
- Market share predictions
Exercises with solutions will be provided and interpretation using XLSTAT Conjoint module.
To be able to perform the exercise you will need a full demo-version of XLSTAT (or licensed copy of XLSTAT including the conjoint module).
Length of Session:
Approx 1.5hr + workshop
Course Pre-Requisites:
A basic understanding of statistics is assumed i.e. knowledge of statistical significance, ANOVA
Select currency
$323.68 – $359.64 (Excluding any applicable taxes)