Conjoint Analysis using XLSTAT, 14th May 2pm (GMT+1/BST)
Product code: R-Conjoint

Remote training

May 14, 2020 - May 14, 2020

Virtual option available
The remote learning package consists of a live lecture delivered online by one of the Qi Statistics team, together with a workshop for you to complete in your own time (solutions and data sets provided), plus a pdf of the lecture notes and email support whilst you are completing the workshop after the course for up to 2 weeks. More than just a recorded webinar and as close to face-to-face training as it can be!
This module focuses on the statistical techniques for designing and analysing conjoint studies for both rating and choice based experiments.
The course content is as follows:
- Application areas – labelling, packaging, product concepts
- Motivation
- Design of study – number of factors, number of levels, number of consumers
- Data collection – monadic scoring/ pairwise choice sets
- Modelling and interpretation of output – monadic scoring: ANOVA– utilities, % importance
- Modelling and interpretation of output – Choice sets: conditional logistic regression, utilities, conversion to predicted probabilities.
- Market share predictions
Exercises with solutions will be provided and interpretation using XLSTAT Conjoint module.
To be able to perform the exercise you will need a full demo-version of XLSTAT (or licensed copy of XLSTAT including the conjoint module).
Length of Session:
Approx 1.5hr + workshop
Course Pre-Requisites:
A basic understanding of statistics is assumed i.e. knowledge of statistical significance, ANOVA
Select currency
$294.25 – $326.95 (Excluding any applicable taxes)